Outgoing Board Member Tribute

  • Jordan Green, ASID Allied; Communications Director 2021 - 2023
    • One last reflection on the past couple of years of service? 
      • ASID Wisconsin has always been a community of creative, like-minded individuals for me. I've remained an active participant for so long because I cherish being surrounded by individuals who provide support, friendship, and mentorship. What sets our chapter apart is our ability to support one another, even though we come from different firms that may compete. We genuinely cheer on each other's successes. I firmly believe that to build a lasting community, we must support and uplift one another, rather than striving for success at the expense of others.
  • Mindy Hoppe; Professional Development Director 2021 - 2023
    • Was there any moment(s) during your board term, in either your personal or professional life, that you would like to highlight?
      • During our monthly Board of Director meetings, our board would highlight questions and concerns about serving our members. How can we provide quality educational event to the entire state, events where we are able to socialize and celebrate our members at all different stages in our careers, and of course reaching out to our student future interior designers. There is a lot of passion and drive behind each person who sits on the board. We have different backgrounds which drive new ideas to better our organization and honestly, I am in awe of each one of them! Knowing we are each unique and what we can bring to the table is inspiring! 
  • Pedro Lima; President 2022 - 2023
    • What was your favorite memory or experience while serving on the board?
      • My favorite experience is in the leadership development opportunities I both received and provided, in the chapter level strategic planning and board training sessions where I was able to lead two sessions and develop the plans and training for the year, and in Miami at Gather where I met other members across the country that I would lean on throughout the year for support and community. These leadership opportunities allowed me to develop myself in ways I would not otherwise have had the opportunity.
  • Kate Stachowiak, ASID, WRID; Finance Director 2021 - 2023
    • What was your favorite part of being on the board?
      • My favorite part of being on the board is the opportunity to work with people that you’ve never worked with before. It’s so refreshing to see the camaraderie throughout the design industry. I’m always amazed how quickly people are willing to jump in if you have questions or need a helping hand. I’m so proud to be a part of our Wisconsin chapter.
  • Emily Heitman; Former Chapter Administrator
    • What was your favorite memory or experience while serving on the board?
      • Although I only saw the board during meetings, I had a chance to get to know most members and was inspired by their dedication to the organization and their profession. Coming from the association management world, I was always fascinated by everyone's talents in the design field!