Become a Sponsor

The Wisconsin Chapter of ASID invites you to browse through our new 2025 Sponsorship Brochure. This brochure provides a detailed breakdown of the Sponsorship opportunities available for the year ahead.

By sponsoring ASID Wisconsin, your organization gains access to a highly engaged audience of design professionals, students, and industry influencers who share a commitment to excellence and share a common goal of advancing the profession of interior design. Join us in shaping the future of interior design in Wisconsin and beyond!


Click Here to Learn More!

Support ASID Wisconsin Today!


Amy Kopplin, NCIDQ, WRID – ASID WI Past-President


Are You Ready to Partner With ASID Wisconsin?

Scan or click on the below QR code to be taken to our Sponsorship Committment Form. Please have all company information on hand including: Primary Contact, Contact Information, and Logo.


Important Information:

  • Sponsorship is an additional contribution (paid directly to ASID WIsconsin) and is seperate from ASID Membership (paid to ASID National)

  • ASID is a 501 (c)(6) organization. Consult your tax advisor for tax deductibility

  • The Chapter will make every reasonable effort to follow through with the commitments made in the 2025 Sponsorship Program and will negotiate a solution in good faith on behalf of the Chapter, Sponsors and Members. The sponsorship term begins January 1, 2025 only if payment has been received. 

  • All sponsorships (regardless of when payment is made) will have a sponsorship term of one calendar year, with all sponosrships expiring December 31, 2025/

Payments made by check can be mailed to:

ASID Wisconsin
1818 Milton Ave, Suite 100, #1060

Janesville, WI 53545